Guide to using social media responsibly


Guide to using social media responsibly

You have to know that using social media can be very risky because people can get access to your personal information shared. Hopefully, we bring to you, some tips to be safe while you are using social media.

The first you need to know is that you aren't really safe anywhere with an electronic device, because in present, these devices have cameras and microphones that can be hacked to have some type of important information.

To be at least a little protected, the first step is to have a good password, the larger and confuse it can be, the process to discover is going to be slower, so avoid using your birth date or your name, use lowercase and uppercase together with symbols, or numbers to make people waste time trying to figure it out.

Avoid sharing sensitive personal information on your social media profiles, such as your address, phone number, or financial details. Fraudsters can use this information to carry out activities. Also don't share the personal information of another person, because you can put them at risk.

Be aware of the websites you visit: Avoid clicking on suspicious links or opening attachments from unreliable sources. Always verify the authenticity of the websites before entering personal or financial information, this sites can share your information for third-parties.

Last, but not least, you can use other applications to change your publication or protect your account from hacker attacks, these apps can be antivirus or VPNs, that bring the protection of your personal information shared in your account.

We hope that you can use these tips to be more secure at the moment of using social media, these problems are getting more usual that in the past and can't be totally avoided, but you can have more time to discover that you are been attacked and be able to defend yourself.
